NGV Stambomenverzameling
Reijer/Klarenbeek Miller
ca. 1914 --
Naam Reijer/Klarenbeek Miller Roepnaam Ray Geboren ca. 1914 Geslacht Mannelijk Recordnummer 55055 _NEW 11 aug 2014 Persoon-ID I55055 Boom 007 Laatst gewijzigd op 14 aug 2014
Vader Cornelis Klarenbeek, geb. 20 mrt 1890, Ede, Gld, NL Moeder Hermina Schotsman, geb. 15 jul 1893, Ede, Gld, NL Getrouwd 3 aug 1912 Ede, Gld, NL [1] - Bron Burgerlijke stand - Huwelijk
Archieflocatie Gelders Archief
Algemeen Toegangnr: 0207
Inventarisnr: 8253
Gemeente: Ede
Soort akte: Huwelijksakte
Aktenummer: 86
Datum: 03-08-1912
Bruidegom Cornelis Klarenbeek
Leeftijd: 22
Geboorteplaats: Ede
Bruid Hermina Schotsman
Leeftijd: 19
Geboorteplaats: Ede
Vader bruidegom Reijer Klarenbeek
Moeder bruidegom Janna van Ginkel
Vader bruid Willem Schotsman
Moeder bruid Gerritje Jansen
Nadere informatie beroep bg.: arbeider; beroep bruid: zonder beroep; beroep vader bg.: arbeider; beroep moeder bg.: zonder beroep; beroep vader bd.: arbeider; beroep moeder bd.: geen beroep vermeld
Gezins-ID F1195671518 Gezinsblad | Familiekaart
- Bron Burgerlijke stand - Huwelijk
Aantekeningen - Hi Sir: I am writing for the granddaughter of Reyer (Ray) Klarenbeek Miller who was the son of Cornelius Klarenbeek and Hermina Schotsman married in 1912 in the Netherlands, and immigrated to the United States of America in 1920. Uncle Ray as we always knew him, was in SALES all his life. He married Pearl Marie McBain sometime around 1944, and they were married many years, and divorced in 1965. They had two children Judith Marie Miller Miles born in 1945, and Eugene Miller born in 1948. Any information about his family in the Netherlands would be greatly appreciated. As you probably know Uncle Ray changed his surname to "Miller" sometime, so he was known as Ray Miller.
Uncle Ray changed his surname for some reason, and I?m thinking it?s WWII. It might be that Klarenbeek was a difficult to say when selling something, I don?t think that?s the case. Uncle Ray couldn?t join the U.S. Military during WWII because he had flat feet. When he came to our housel, I can remember from childhood, he would walk in our home, and if Mother didn?t have any hot coffee, he would take the cold jar of cold coffee, and drink some of that. He was a real black coffee drinker.
- Hi Sir: I am writing for the granddaughter of Reyer (Ray) Klarenbeek Miller who was the son of Cornelius Klarenbeek and Hermina Schotsman married in 1912 in the Netherlands, and immigrated to the United States of America in 1920. Uncle Ray as we always knew him, was in SALES all his life. He married Pearl Marie McBain sometime around 1944, and they were married many years, and divorced in 1965. They had two children Judith Marie Miller Miles born in 1945, and Eugene Miller born in 1948. Any information about his family in the Netherlands would be greatly appreciated. As you probably know Uncle Ray changed his surname to "Miller" sometime, so he was known as Ray Miller.
Bronnen - [S20] .
- [S20] .