NGV Stambomenverzameling
Derk Blij
Naam Derk Blij Geboren J [1] - Name: Derk Blij
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 30 Apr 1778
Christening Place: Nederlands Hervormde Kerk, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: Peter Blij
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Maria Van Ginkel
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I06433-2
System Origin: Netherlands-EASy
GS Film number: 108627
Reference ID: f.311
Citing this Record
"Netherlands, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1910," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 18 Mar 2013), Maria Van Ginkel in entry for Derk Blij, 30 Apr 1778.
Gedoopt 30 apr 1778 Arnhem, Gld, NL Geslacht Mannelijk Recordnummer 52457 _NEW 7 apr 2013 Persoon-ID I52457 Boom 008 Laatst gewijzigd op 7 apr 2013
Vader Pieter Blij Moeder Maria van Ginkel, ovl. 12 okt 1831, Arnhem, Gld, NL Getrouwd 28 mrt 1776 Arnhem, Gld, NL [1]
- Name: Peter Blij
Birth Date:
Spouse's Name: Maria Van Ginkel
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birthplace:
Spouse's Age:
Event Date: 28 Mar 1776
Event Place: Nederlands Hervormde Kerk, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Spouse's Father's Name:
Spouse's Mother's Name:
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M90173-8
System Origin: Netherlands-ODM
GS Film number: 108632
Reference ID:
Citing this Record
"Netherlands, Marriages, 1565-1892," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 18 Mar 2013), Peter Blij and Maria Van Ginkel, 28 Mar 1776.
Gezins-ID F1365329028 Gezinsblad | Familiekaart
- Name: Derk Blij
Bronnen - [S343] .
- [S343] .