NGV Stambomenverzameling
Hendrik van de Streek
Naam Hendrik van de Streek Roepnaam Henry Geboren 1 okt 1881 Oldebroek, Gld, NL [1]
- Geboorte Hendirk van de Streek, 01-10-1881
Hendirk van de Streek
Hendrikje Tuinman
Beert van de Streek
0207 Burgerlijke stand Gelderland
Geslacht Mannelijk Recordnummer 1267 Overleden 17 nov 1962 Ripon, San Joaquin County, Ca, USA Begraven 20 nov 1962 Ripon, San Joaquin County, Ca, USA _NEW 21 jul 2006 Persoon-ID I1267 Boom 007 Laatst gewijzigd op 9 aug 2015
Vader Beert van de Streek, geb. 19 mei 1837, Oldebroek, Gld, NL , ovl. 1 dec 1898, Oldebroek, Gld, NL
(Leeftijd 61 jaar)
Moeder Hendrikje Tuinman, geb. 14 jul 1840, Oldebroek, Gld, NL , ovl. 12 feb 1917, Alto, Wisconsin, USA
(Leeftijd 76 jaar)
Getrouwd 7 mrt 1863 Oldebroek, Gld, NL [1]
- Bron Burgerlijke stand - Huwelijk
Archieflocatie Gelders Archief
Algemeen Toegangnr: 0207
Inventarisnr: 3469
Gemeente: Oldebroek
Soort akte: Huwelijksakte
Aktenummer: 8
Datum: 07-03-1863
Bruidegom Beert van der Streek
Leeftijd: 25
Geboorteplaats: Oldebroek
Bruid Hendrikje Tuinman
Leeftijd: 22
Geboorteplaats: Doornspijk
Vader bruidegom Jan van der Streek
Moeder bruidegom Mechteld Schut
Vader bruid Aart Tuinman
Moeder bruid Beertje van der Beek
Nadere informatie beroep bg.: boerenknecht; beroep bruid: dienstmeid; beroep vader bg.: geen beroep vermeld; beroep moeder bg.: geen beroep vermeld; beroep vader bd.: geen beroep vermeld; beroep moeder bd.: dagloonster
Gezins-ID F1153485605 Gezinsblad | Familiekaart
Gezin Aartje Fredricka Johanna Hulleman, geb. 27 nov 1887, Hoog Soeren, Apeldoorn, Gld, NL , ovl. 2 okt 1972, Ripon, San Joaquin County, Ca, USA
(Leeftijd 84 jaar)
Getrouwd 7 sep 1908 Waupun, Dodge County, Wisconsin, USA Type: civil - #1920 US Federal Census home in St. Cloud Ward 5, Benton, Minnesota
Kinderen 1. Bert Henry Vande Streek, geb. 23 apr 1909, Hasty, Minn, USA , ovl. 8 jul 1999, Minot, Ward, ND, USA
(Leeftijd 90 jaar)
2. Fredricka Johanna Vande Streek, geb. 11 apr 1910, St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA , ovl. 14 apr 1992, Annapolis, Maryland, USA
(Leeftijd 82 jaar)
3. Henrietta Hermina Vande Streek, geb. 3 mrt 1913, St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA , ovl. 8 mei 1996, Ione, Amador, CA, USA
(Leeftijd 83 jaar)
4. Conrad Vande Streek, geb. 28 sep 1914, St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA , ovl. 14 jun 1994, Tucson, Pima, Arizona, USA
(Leeftijd 79 jaar)
5. Elmer Gordon Vande Streek, geb. 21 nov 1917, St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA , ovl. 1 feb 2000, Los Angeles, California, USA
(Leeftijd 82 jaar)
6. Harold Clifford Vande Streek, geb. 4 jun 1920, St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA , ovl. 1920, Stearns, St. Cloud, Minn., USA
7. Phyllis Marie Vande Streek, geb. 11 sep 1921, St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA , ovl. 8 aug 2010, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
(Leeftijd 88 jaar)
8. Merle Vivian Vande Streek, geb. 19 sep 1927, St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA , ovl. 17 dec 1967, Oakland, San Francisco, California, USA
(Leeftijd 40 jaar)
Laatst gewijzigd op 24 dec 2019 Gezins-ID F1161171947 Gezinsblad | Familiekaart
- Geboorte Hendirk van de Streek, 01-10-1881
Aantekeningen - #1920 US Federal Census home in St. Cloud Ward 5, Benton, Minnesota
Hendrik (Henry) Van De Streek was born on October 1, 1881 to Beert van de Streek and Hendrikje Tuinman in Oldebrook, Gelderland, Netherlands. Very little is known about his life in Holland, only that he attended school through the sixth grade and then became a gardener in a park. It was not unusual for boys to leave school after the sixth grade because the parents felt that a young lad of thirteen or fourteen was old enough to hold a job and help support the family.
Henry came to America with his mother in 1903 to the same region of Wisconsin where his brothers, John and Art, and his sister, Bertha Bille's family were farming. He worked as a farmhand, but didn't like farm work, so moved on to Lynden, Washington. He worked there for two years, but his mother was so lonesome for him, she kept asking him to come to see her. It was on this visit to Waupun that Henry saw the girl who would become his bride and share his life for fifty-four years. He married Aartje Frederika Johanna (Ella) Hulleman 07, Sept 1908 in Waupun, Fond Du Lac Co., Wisconsin.
A job offer was presented to Henry in Hasty, Minnesota shortly after their marriage. After two years in Hasty, Henry heard of employment openings in St. Cloud at the Great Northern Railroad carshops. He worked at the shops for approximately 38 years, advancing to the position of Supervisor over a crew of men who loaded the boxcars for dispatchment to all parts of the country.
In 1946, on advice from his doctor, he retired and sold their home and moved to Ripon, California. They loved this land of warmth and grew different flowers, nut and fruit trees acclimated to this area. He died on November 17, 1962. Ella died February 10,1972. They are buried in the Ripon Cemetery, Ripon, California.
- #1920 US Federal Census home in St. Cloud Ward 5, Benton, Minnesota
Bronnen - [S20] .
- [S20] .